Stratus Sun

Adapting Cross Cultural Behavior

Adapting Cross Cultural Behavior

Services Provided:

Organizations with partner sites and personnel in foreign nations will receive the following services:


Develop global dexterity and cultural sensitivity training platforms akin to the organization mission and vision following a climate/environmental scan.


Provide strategic intensive partnership development training to strengthen stake-holder relationships & networks as well as expand product knowledge, and leadership development.


Provide capacity building and staff development with on-going cross-cultural training.


Perform interactive cross-cultural cognitive training with the communities served to ascertain successes and challenges.


Diversity Audit/ Environmental Scan

Environmental scanning is necessary due to rapid changes taking place in the global environment that has a great impact on the organization culture. Analysis of the business environment helps to identify strength weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is necessary for the survival and growth of every organization.

Stratus Group Consultants, Inc., provides a snapshot of your organization’s culture gleaned through interviews, focus groups, on-line surveys and a review of existing policies, procedures, and marketing materials. The audit will provide in-depth information about the workplace experience of employees at all levels and the impact your corporate culture has on employee performance.

The diagnostics serve as immediate feedback of your diversity education initiatives. We utilize a variety of survey instruments specific to your organization to provide you with a Return On Investment analysis from which we can determine the appropriate next steps.

Diversity Education
Diversity Education2

‍Diversity Education Diversity education programs are designed to address the wide spectrum of diversity and inclusion issues; and dynamics that organizations face.

Stratus Group Consultants, Inc. education programs can be delivered to all levels of the organization or tailored for specific employee levels. They include case studies of challenging and ambiguous situations; and provide opportunities for participants to strategize effective methods to address the challenges. The training programs are fast-paced, dynamic and highly interactive.


Implicit Bias Education Implicit social cognition refers to patterns of thought that shape decisions, behaviors, actions.

These are often unconscious, and therefore invisible to us unless we engage in critical reflection.Critical reflection creates awareness, and encourages employees to engage in actions to re-shape responses within the organization and towards diverse clientele.


Cross-Cultural Training/ Education Cross-cultural training is aimed at increasing competence, behaviors, skills, and knowledge required for working effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.

The Stratus model of cross-cultural training is highly interactive, and skill based.Our training results in improved team performance as participants learn to integrate and leverage cultural differences for better project management, teamwork, feedback, and customer service. ‍

International Business Service1

International Business Services Diversity and Inclusion education for organizations working internationally, must be flexible to meet the demands of the global active working environments.

Diversity education stresses the idea of inclusiveness to all employee levels and in the systematic delivery of services with authentic support and resources.Our consultancy focuses on closing the inter-cultural gaps for employees on international assignments; refining the nuances of employees migrating across borders internationally in ensuring that the organizational global mission and vision goals are met.

Where Cultural

and Global

Awareness Thrive